City of Moreton Bay is one of Australia’s fastest growing local government areas.
Almost 50 percent of community members told us in the Moreton Says survey that traffic congestion is their top transport concern in the face of the city’s rapid population growth. We also know from the surveys that our communities want to see infrastructure more effectively planned to occur in line with the development of the city and satisfy growing user needs.
Council has listened and is working to ensure our transport network provides for the needs of our communities both now and into the future.
Caboolture River Road is set to receive a series of major improvements within the next decade, recognising the importance of this east-west transport corridor.
The four kilometre section from Morayfield Road to west of Crome Court will be transformed from a two-lane undivided road into an enhanced four-lane carriageway that will better meet growing community needs.
View the latest plan for Morayfield Road to Grant Road section(PDF, 15MB).
The improvements will deliver:
- increased traffic capacity
- traffic safety enhancements
- additional safe crossing points for cyclists and pedestrians
- increased opportunity for cycling and pedestrian activity
- upgraded intersections
- dedicated turning lanes
- support for regional growth
- an overall vision and cohesive appearance for the road corridor.
Why are the improvements needed?
In recent years, neighbourhoods along and around Caboolture River Road have been continuing to grow, as more and more people choose to enjoy and embrace the local lifestyle, mix of housing options and community amenities.
Growth in Caboolture and the surrounding area will continue into the future, with site works underway on the new communities located at Waraba (Caboolture West). Over the next 40 years it is envisaged the area will become a regional city of around 70,000 residents, complete with new neighbourhoods containing a range of housing types, employment opportunities, environmental values, community and open space facilities, and activity centres.
The improvements to Caboolture River Road have been planned and designed to ensure these much-needed upgrades are delivered to accommodate growing demands and user needs. They will also benefit families and businesses already located in and around the corridor that rely on Caboolture River Road for their day-to-day lifestyle and activities.
The improvements are being funded through a mix of sources including Council’s capital budget and contributions from developers.
The section from Morayfield Road to Grant Road includes a commitment for funding from the Australian Government, the Queensland Government and City of Moreton Bay and forms part of the SEQ City Deal.
Key features
- Four traffic lanes (two lanes in each direction) separated by a median.
- Dedicated on-road cycling lanes.
- Off-road shared pedestrian and cycle paths.
- Improved walking and cycling connectivity, with traffic signal crossings at key intersections.
- Safe design elements including increased lane widths, shoulder widening, medians and dedicated traffic turning lanes.
- Signalising key intersections to better control traffic movements.
- Removing right turns at some unsignalised intersections to improve safety.
- Consideration of fauna/wildlife requirements.
- Tree and vegetation plantings.
How will the improvements be delivered?
The works comprise of three projects which are expected to be completed over the next decade.
Project 1: Caboolture River Road - Morayfield Road to Grant Road
The upgrade to Caboolture River Road between Grant Road and Morayfield Road will cater to growing and future traffic demands. The project has been planned and budgeted for in Council's 10-year capital works program which is informed by the Local Government Infrastructure Plan.
The project includes a commitment for funding from the Australian Government, the Queensland Government and City of Moreton Bay and forms part of the SEQ City Deal.
Construction is expected to begin in 2026, subject to the relevant approvals being obtained.
- Develop early planning and concept design - completed
- Refine design - 2024
- Service relocation works - 2025
- Commencing construction - 2026
- Project completion - 2028
The timeline is indicative only and may be subject to change.
Project plans
View the latest plan(PDF, 15MB).
View location map of the project(PDF, 5MB).
Key features
- Widening Caboolture River Road between Grant Road and Morayfield Road to provide two traffic lanes in each direction (four lanes in total) with a central median.
- Installing additional traffic turning lanes at key intersections.
- Installing new traffic lights at the intersection of Amy and Kenneth Streets.
- Upgrading the existing traffic lights at Grant Road and Morayfield Road.
- Changing access at Ben Street and Lorebury Drive to left in/left out only.
- Installing new cycling and pedestrian paths on both sides of the road.
Current activities
The project is in the design refining phase. Current and planned activities to inform this process include:
- locating underground services such as water, sewerage, electrical and telecommunications
- engagement with stakeholders and service authorities
- investigations to minimise traffic impacts during service relocation works
- cultural heritage assessments
- investigations to minimise environmental impacts.
Project 2: Grant Road to Walkers Road
This 1.5 kilometre road upgrade is being funded and delivered by Stockland under an infrastructure agreement conditioned by Council and linked to one of the new developments within Waraba (Caboolture West)
Works will follow the current alignment, with the new road and footpaths largely expanding into the existing, adjoining road reserve that has been set aside for the upgrade.
The project will provide existing communities along the corridor with infrastructure improvements to benefit their lifestyle and day-to-day activities.
The works will also contribute to the success of new communities being established at Waraba, by ensuring the delivery of new infrastructure matches and supports user needs and demands.
Planning is still in the very early stages and updates and plans will be provided to the community when more information becomes available.
Features are expected to include:
- two traffic lanes in each direction (four lanes in total) with a central median
- dedicated cycle lanes and pedestrian facilities
- upgraded intersections
- tree and vegetation plantings.
Project 3: Walkers Road to Crome Court
This 1.3 kilometre section is being funded and delivered by Land Owners Group (the first to start building the new suburb of Waraba) under an infrastructure agreement conditioned by Council.
Works will follow the current alignment, with the new road and footpaths largely expanding into the existing, adjoining road reserve that has been set aside for the upgrade.
The project will provide existing communities along the corridor with infrastructure improvements to benefit their lifestyle and day-to-day activities. The works will also contribute to the success of new communities being established at Waraba, by ensuring the delivery of new infrastructure matches and supports user needs and demands.
Planning is still in the very early stages and updates and plans will be provided to the community once more information becomes available.
Features are expected to include:
- two lanes in each direction (from just west of Crome Court)
- dedicated bike lanes and pedestrian facilities
- signalised intersections
- tree and vegetation plantings.
Location of works
This map shows the location of improvement works. Caboolture River Road is highlighted in three different coloured symbols that reflect the three projects. The section shown as:
- blue squares is project one which incorporates Morayfield Road to Grant Road
- orange dashes is project two which incorporates Grant Road to Walkers Road
- purple dots is project three which incorporates Walkers Road to Crome Court.
Register for updates
Register for updates to make sure you receive the latest information. Council's Project Team will keep the community informed as the project progresses.