Ambrose Tilney Park Upgrade, Woodford Council is planning to upgrade Ambrose Tilney Park by expanding the playground and adding a new pump track!
Better Housing Amendment Residents have told Council they want better housing and neighbourhoods. To achieve this, changes need to be made to our planning rules via the Better Housing Amendment.
Help shape our tourism future Council is developing a Regional Tourism Infrastructure Priority Project Plan to identify new or expanded tourism opportunities to support further growth in the region’s tourism industry.
James Drysdale Reserve Revised Master Plan We've been working on a long-term plan for James Drysdale Reserve. Check out our revised master plan now!
Kallangur-Dakabin Neighbourhood Planning Project Thank you to all those who provided feedback on the draft Kallangur-Dakabin Neighbourhood Planning Future Directions Report. The consultation has now closed.
Morayfield Neighbourhood Planning Project City of Moreton Bay invites you to have your say on our draft Morayfield Neighbourhood Planning Future Directions Report to help shape your community.
Planning Scheme Major Amendment No.4 Council is proposing changes to its planning scheme related to the Morayfield South Emerging Community Area (TLPI Response) and Designated Bushfire Prone Areas