Rates refund or transfer
Applying for a refund of credit balance on rates account
Where the rates account is currently in credit, you may request a refund of the credit amount by completing the Refund of rates application and provide the required proof of payment.
A processing fee of 301502 including GST will apply to all refund requests on accounts that have been intentionally overpaid. For example, an overpaid account due to a recurring payment that exceeds the amount owing. This fee will be automatically deducted from your account. If there is insufficient credit on your account, your refund will be processed for the difference.
The minimum amount for a refund is $100.00.
Refund requests can take 7-10 working days to process.
Apply for refund
Property owners are encouraged to monitor their payments and adjust accordingly to avoid overpayment.
Transfer of payments from incorrect accounts and payment discrepancies
Council will investigate requests from property owners who have paid monies to incorrect rates accounts and discrepancies of payment amounts such as:
- customer owns two properties and pays one property twice and the other not at all
- customer owns a property in the city and has incorrectly paid their old property’s rate account
- discrepancies between the customer’s payment amount and the amount shown on their account
- customer has made a payment to an incorrect reference number.
You may request a transfer of the monies paid by completing the Transfer of rates application and provide the required proof of payment. Transfer requests can take 7-10 working days to process.
Apply for transfer