Road verge landscaping and artificial turf
The road verge forms part of the road reserve between the kerb and the front property boundary. If no kerb exists, it is between the table drain and the front property boundary. The road verge is controlled and managed by Council.
Council acknowledges that verge gardens exist which pre-date the guidelines. They are exempt from the requirements outlined within the guidelines unless public safety and pedestrian access issues are raised with Council.
Constructing a verge garden
Residents must review the Local Law Guideline - Verge gardens(PDF, 1MB) and complete the Checklist for verge gardens(PDF, 712KB). All responses to the checklist must be yes for your proposal to comply.
Installing artificial turf within the road verge
Before starting the installation of artificial turf, residents must submit an Alteration of public land application form to Council for approval. Refer to Alteration of public land for more information.