Community and economic profiles
City of Moreton Bay has engaged .id to provide accurate and up to date profiles of the region’s community and economy.
Community profile
The Moreton Bay region community profile provides valuable insights into the local community. It includes information about the region’s population such as age, migration, family types, education, work, housing and relative well-being.
By accessing the community profile, it is possible to better understand the story of the local community, how it is changing over time and how it compares to other areas.
Social atlas
The Moreton Bay region social atlas supports the community profile tool by providing demographic information in the format of maps. Visually presenting the information, is another way to help investors, planners, students, new residents and the general public better understand our local community and how it is changing.
Economic profile
The Moreton Bay region economic profile provides information on the region’s economy. It includes information such as Gross Regional Product, local businesses, employment, population, building approvals, industry structure, journey to work and much more.
By accessing the Economic Profile, it is possible to better understand the local economy, how it is changing over time and how it compares to other areas.