Digital flood study data request
A digital data package (processed river and creek model results for the entire region) and catchment packages (river and creek) are available for purchase. A charge of 116861 per package including GST applies. A project specific digital data agreement will be provided and once signed and returned with payment, the package will be provided. Available for download is Council's Flood impact assessment guideline(PDF, 475KB).
River and creek models currently available are based on Australian Rainfall and Runoff (AR&R) 1987 guidelines. Council is updating its models in alignment with the AR&R 2019 guidelines.
In 2020, improved rainfall datasets and methods were used to develop new Intensity Frequency Duration (IFD) data for the region. This was in partnership with other local governments. The LIMB (Lockyer Valley, Ipswich, Moreton Bay) 2020 IFDs were peer-reviewed and are now available for download. Background information is available under Jurisdiction Specifics. Council adopted the LIMB 2020 IFDs in June 2022. Practitioners should be aware of the LIMB 2020 IFDs and the need for their use in projects.
Catchment model packages (river and creek, using pre-AR&R 2016 IFDs) contain the following data/models:
- hydrologic model - WBNM
- hydraulic model - TUFLOW
- all input data for models
- selected model result files.
Processed river and creek model packages (using pre-AR&R 2016 IFDs) contain the following seamless data in ArcGIS Geodatabase format:
- flood level grids for the 5%, 1% and 0.1% annual chance
- water depth grids for the 5%, 1% and 0.1% annual chance
- flood extents for the 5%, 1% and 0.1% annual chance and floodplain extent.
Click here to view form.