Community Wellbeing Strategy

Our strategies are integral to delivering long-term transformational change and responding to current and emerging challenges and opportunities. Our Community Wellbeing Strategy 2042 provides a roadmap to guide the actions of Council and our communities to deliver our vision and the Our Vibrant Communities(PDF, 407KB) goal and outcomes in the Corporate Plan 2022-2027.

This strategy has an inclusion focus that supports our commitment to ensuring that all residents are able to enjoy our city’s many benefits and pursue their own wellbeing to the greatest extent possible.

Download the strategy(PDF, 2MB)

The strategy is supported by 4 action plans:

Year one achievements

To learn more about our achievements in implementing the strategy, review the annual community snapshot(PDF, 651KB).

Frequently asked questions

What is community wellbeing?

Wellbeing means different things to different people. It is influenced by a range of physical, mental, and social factors. Factors that shape every aspect of our lives - from our personal relationships, to how we participate in our communities.

At a community level, wellbeing can be impacted by:

  • access to appropriate services
  • the availability of facilities and infrastructure
  • a safe and inclusive environment.

It is also tied to local social supports, community cohesion, and the appreciation of diverse community identities. 

Why do we need a Community Wellbeing Strategy?

It ensures that:

  • We are strongly positioned to meet community needs.
  • That our future decisions align with the community's hopes for the region.
  • That we use our resources effectively and build upon our existing high-quality services and infrastructure.