Integrated Transport Strategy

Our strategies are integral to delivering long-term transformational change and responding to current and emerging challenges and opportunities. Our Integrated Transport Strategy 2042 provides a roadmap to guide the actions of Council and our communities to deliver our vision and the Our Well-Planned Places(PDF, 460KB) goal and outcomes in the Corporate Plan 2022-2027.

The strategy focuses on achieving a sustainable transport system that is safe, connected, resilient and integrated to service and support our region as it grows and evolves. It balances the consideration of all modes of transport and responds to emerging transport trends and technologies such as electric and autonomous vehicles, including e-bikes and scooters, that can help reduce carbon emissions and congestion.

It supports our communities to take short, local trips without the need for a car by creating walkable communities centred around centres and employment areas. It also aims to improve the reliability of car trips on key local roads so our communities can plan their journeys. 

Download the strategy(PDF, 5MB) 

Frequently asked questions

What is the Integrated Transport Strategy?

The Strategy provides a roadmap to achieve our goal that by 2033 Moreton Bay will be a network of well-planned and connected places and spaces. This will see an enhancement of lifestyle, accessibility and employment choices.

What can Council do to improve public transport?

Public transport is provided by TransLink and Queensland Rail, both of which are controlled by the state government. We regularly advocate for improved public transport for Moreton Bay with TransLink. This strategy looks to strengthen our advocacy for improved transport outcomes across our region.

How does Council and the State coordinate their road planning and delivery projects?

We manage and control some major roads such as Caboolture River Road and Oakey Flat Road. The state manages other major roads such as:

  • Bruce Highway
  • Morayfield Road
  • King Street
  • Bribie Island Road 
  • Anzac Avenue.

Through planning and design programs, we work with the state government to look for opportunities to integrate and coordinate major infrastructure projects to deliver good outcomes.

How will the Integrated Transport Strategy improve congestion on Council’s road network?

This strategy aims to improve travel time reliability on key corridors so our residents can plan their days with confidence.

How does Council service new growth with infrastructure and services?

Services and infrastructure are prioritised on a regional basis and according to need. Infrastructure, including roads, will not always be provided in advance of or at the same time as growth occurs. We monitor road congestion across the region to inform this process.

Is Council going to provide more parking at rail stations?

TransLink provides Park 'n' Ride facilities, which the state government control. This strategy proposes to increase public and active transport's take-up through better connections to and from public transport nodes. We will advocate, on behalf of our residents, for the state government to provide the public transport services we need.