Outdoor Recreation Plan

Two bushwalkers

Council has invested heavily in conventional recreation facilities over the past decades such as sporting facilities, however, as new trends emerge, it is important we adapt our planning to meet the expectations of our communities.

Council's Outdoor Recreation Plan(PDF, 17MB) was endorsed in November 2019. It outlines a long-term vision and provides recommendations for the planning and development of outdoor recreation opportunities within our city over the next 20 years.

The plan identifies our current outdoor recreation offering, and opportunities to enhance and improve the experience for users. It also provides opportunities to strengthen partnerships with landowners, land managers and community groups to support outdoor recreation into the future. 

Have an idea or suggestion to improve outdoor recreation in your area?

Provide feedback and suggestions at Your Say Moreton Bay. Not all ideas or suggestions can be implemented but knowing what you are thinking helps us plan.


Since Council endorsed the Outdoor Recreation Plan(PDF, 17MB), we have started auditing activities to consider the condition, functionality and 'usability' of each service throughout the city. We are using these audit findings to inform regional development or upgrade programs. Find out more about these programs below:

Inter-urban Break Outdoor Recreation Plan 

The Inter-urban Break (IUB) is a 63,000-hectare area that overlaps the Sunshine Coast Council and City of Moreton Bay local government areas. The Inter-urban Break Outdoor Recreation Plan(PDF, 31MB) guides planning for recreation activities in this area.

Council was involved in the development of the plan in partnership with the following organisations:

  • Sunshine Coast Council
  • HQPlantations
  • Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service. 

It was partially funded by the Queensland Government's Department of Housing and Public Works - Sport and Recreation.

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