Budget and Operational Plan Council's Budget and Operational Plan outlines expected income and expenditures for the year and how we will achieve our strategic goals.
Waste management plans Council's strategies for waste management including waste reduction, litter and illegal dumping and education and community engagement.
Reconciliation Action Plan We have recently adopted our Reconciliation Action Plan which marks an important step in our long-term reconciliation journey.
Disability Access and Inclusion Plan Learn more about Council's commitment to improve the accessibility and inclusiveness of information, services and facilities.
Maintenance and shoreline erosion management plans These documents outline a range of maintenance activities for canals and foreshores in the city.
Outdoor Recreation Plan Council’s Outdoor Recreation Plan outlines a long-term vision for the planning and development of outdoor recreation opportunities.
Local Disaster Management Plan Council aims to minimise the impact of hazards on local communities by ensuring a coordinated approach and effort towards risk management.
Advocacy Plan The Advocacy Plan adopted by Council delivers a framework for a unified and consistent approach to the City's advocacy.
Corporate Plan The Corporate Plan responds directly to our vision for the city, it was developed in partnership with the community.
Changing Places Network Plan The Changing Places Network Plan ensures equal access to infrastructure, services, and opportunities, making the city more inclusive to all.
Interim Sports Facilities Plan The Interim Sports Facilities Plan outlines the process for reviewing the city's sports facility network and determining future infrastructure needs.
Total Water Cycle Management Plan The Total Water Cycle Management Plan improves water quality in rivers, creeks, and beaches through detailed modelling for cost-effective solutions.
Tourism plans for City of Moreton Bay Council's Tourism Opportunity Plan aims to boost the accommodation, experiences and value for tourism in Moreton Bay.