
A policy is a statement of strategic intent;  it provides Council with a structured framework for consistent and transparent decision-making and actions, and assists in achieving its Corporate Plan objectives. 

Council policies are made by resolution of Council and are generally outwardly focused as they have a direct impact on the community.

Council's policies are regularly reviewed for applicability, continuing effect and consistency with related documents and the law. 

81 result(s) found

The objectives of this policy are to outline Council’s position on the naming of Council controlled public roads within the region and the allocation of street address numbers for all properties within the region; and to ensure that those road names and street address numbers are allocated and managed in a logical, consistent and accountable manner.

For the naming of all other Council public places, structure or assets please refer to Naming of Council Owned or Administered Public Places, Structures and Other Assets (excluding roads) Policy (2150-039).

Establishes Council’s policy position on approving a subdivision plan prior to the completion of all subdivision works; ensure that certain requirements are satisfied prior to Council agreeing to the early approval of a subdivision Plan; and set out the standard documentation and security requirements that are required to be completed and lodged with Council where a development proponent is seeking Council’s approval of their subdivision plan prior to completion of all subdivision works.

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