Growth Management Strategy

Our strategies are necessary for delivering long-term change and responding to current and future challenges and opportunities.

Our Growth Management Strategy 2042 guides the actions of Council and our communities. The strategy will help Council deliver the vision and the Our Well-Planned Places(PDF, 460KB) goals and outcomes in the Corporate Plan 2022-2027. These goals focus on our region becoming a network of well-planned and connected places and spaces. Enhancing lifestyle, accessibility and employment choices in Moreton Bay.

The strategy aims to: 

  • maintain 75 percent of our region as rural and natural landscapes without urban development 
  • meet or exceed the ShapingSEQ dwelling targets
  • increase housing diversity across the region.

Download the strategy(PDF, 5MB)

Frequently asked questions

What is the Growth Management Strategy?

This strategy provides a roadmap to achieve Council's goal that by 2033 Moreton Bay will be a network of well-planned and connected places and spaces, enhancing lifestyle, accessibility, and employment choices.

Why do we need a Growth Management Strategy?

Our region is experiencing a growth in population as well as investment in infrastructure from the State and Federal governments. This strategy provides a roadmap to guide our actions and those of our partners. It outlines a series of guiding principles and outcomes for the region, and the actions required to achieve our long-term vision. This will ensure that the region develops in a sustainable, coordinated manner.

How will Council manage growth in the future?

Our region is currently experiencing population growth which places demand on our aging infrastructure. For Council to make improvements to this infrastructure and provide services to our communities, investment from all levels of government and the private sector is needed.

Greater infill development in existing neighbourhoods will also be necessary as we grow. The existing neighbourhoods will require improved rail services, public transport connections and infrastructure to, and within, our region to support the anticipated growth.

Significant population growth will require the construction of new dwellings in strategic locations that efficiently use land and existing or planned infrastructure. These locations will need to consider the availability of additional industrial land options, and diverse and affordable living choices across the region. This strategy guides these critical deliverables to ensure our region's future prosperity.

What is the Urban Growth Boundary?

The Urban Growth Boundary will show our preferred location for future urban development, encourage compact urban growth, and avoid expansion into valuable agricultural or environmentally important land. It will ensure there is enough land to support our future housing and employment needs, while protecting 75 percent of the region's rural and natural landscapes.

What is the relationship between the strategy and the Planning Scheme?

With guidance from the state and regional planning policies and use of the planning scheme, we can manage local growth and development in accordance with state legislation. This strategy informs future planning in the region, including our planning scheme, advocating for sustainable growth in the future.

This strategy is not a legal document, it is a long-term roadmap of how we intend to manage growth. The primary focus is the region's land use and planned infrastructure. 

How will we achieve a balance between growth in the region and the protection of our natural environments?

Council plays a critical role in ensuring a balanced approach to environmental protection and growth management. The Urban Footprint is identified in the South East Queensland Regional Plan (ShapingSEQ) and is expected to provide sufficient land to accommodate urban growth to 2041. Efficient use of land in our region identified within the Urban Footprint is required to avoid further expansions to the Urban Footprint, and the potential for impacts on natural and rural areas. Guided by ShapingSEQ and a defined Urban Growth Boundary, we are committed to maintaining 75 percent of the region as rural and natural landscapes without urban development.

Sustainability will drive existing and new initiatives, such as flood and biodiversity monitoring, urban greening, reducing energy and resource consumption, and active transport improvements. Our proposed Environment and Sustainability Strategy outlines our strategic direction for ensuring healthy environments, sustainable lifestyles and planning for and responding to climate change and its impacts.

Is the Growth Management Strategy proposing more high-rise development?

The strategy does not include development proposals, it is a guide that will promote growth in line with the region's needs. Research was undertaken for the strategy to understand our community's future needs. To improve housing choice, our planning scheme allows for residential development of various types. There are many housing options between low-rise separate housing and high-rise development. The strategy recognises the importance of a range of density in certain locations.

Our planning scheme allows for medium-density housing, and plenty of opportunities remain for this to be provided. We have assembled an Infill Housing Expert Panel to help realise these opportunities and deliver better housing choices for everyone.