Organisational Excellence Strategy

Our strategies are necessary for delivering long-term change and responding to current and future challenges and opportunities.

Our Organisational Excellence Strategy 2042 provides a roadmap to guide the actions of Council and our communities to deliver our vision and the Our Engaged Council goal and outcomes in the Corporate Plan 2022-2027.

The strategy positions the organisation for success and lays the foundation for continuous improvement, innovation and change management. It prioritises the alignment of our people, processes, technology and culture to achieve our plans.

Download the strategy(PDF, 3MB)  

Frequently asked questions

What is the Organisational Excellence Strategy?

Our Organisational Excellence Strategy provides a roadmap to achieve our goal that by 2033 our Council will be an accountable, transparent, engaged and responsive organisation committed to great customer experiences and continuous innovation in service delivery.

Why do we need an Organisational Excellence Strategy?

This strategy aims to position our organisation to address emerging challenges and opportunities as our region grows. It outlines our priorities and the proposed actions we will take to ensure all of our strategies are aligned and we have the right people, processes, technology and culture to achieve our long-term goals, vision and purpose.

What does organisational excellence really mean?

Organisational excellence represents an aspirational concept that places the community at the centre of service design and delivery. It ensures that all levels of the organisation participate in ‘continuous improvement’.

We provide services to more than 500,000 residents and demands for our time and resources are always increasing. Continuous improvement is about finding more efficient ways for us to deliver our services, achieve more with less and have an opportunity to undertake new and diverse projects.

Why is strategic alignment so important?

Once adopted, our long-term strategies will become our blueprint for delivering the amazing places and natural spaces our communities told us they want. Having these strategies in place provides a foundation for transformational change over the long term.

To best support the implementation and achievement of our strategies we need to ensure our organisation is strategically aligned. Strategic alignment happens by design and ensures all of the different elements of our organisation are integrated and in sync. This includes our strategies, our organisational structure, team members, processes, technology and culture. It also ensures our people are engaged, prepared, and change-ready.

How will Council leverage technology to improve services?

Advances in digital technologies are playing an increasingly important role in how we deliver services to our communities. We see technology as an enabler, rather than driving how we do things. Our communities are the heart of our region, so when we use technology, we are committed to having a customer-focused mindset and ensuring the best possible experience for everyone.

We are already exploring emerging technologies such as analytics, automation, artificial intelligence and even autonomous vehicles, all of which have the potential to help Council deliver better services and create smarter and greener places and spaces for our communities to enjoy.

How will the strategy affect me?

This strategy will reinforce our commitment to meaningful engagement and finding ways to engage more of our diverse communities, including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities. This means there will be more opportunities to share your views on our plans, projects and issues that have an impact on our region’s future and local neighbourhoods.

We have also committed to developing a deeper understanding of our customers to inform service design that reduces customer effort and improves their experience. This includes providing a more consistent customer experience when interacting with us, regardless of who a customer interacts with.

This strategy will also put the frameworks in place to help us understand which of our services and programs should be delivered digitally in the future. Being a Council committed to excellence we will make sure our communities see and experience the benefits of digital technology and bring everyone along on the journey with us.