Our long-term strategies

Council has adopted 6 long-term strategies that provide direction for the city's transformation over the next 10 to 20 years.

Our strategies respond to current and emerging challenges and opportunities. They align with our 5 strategic pillars to help deliver our vision, goals and outcomes in the Corporate Plan. This ensures an integrated and balanced approach to planning. 

Achieving our strategies 

Each strategy has an action plan. These identify priority actions needed over the next 3 to 5 years. Reviewing the action plans during this time allows us to:

  • identify and include new actions 
  • amend actions to ensure we are meeting expectations.

Council plans support our long-term strategies. The plans provide further details on priority actions required to install specific themes over the medium to long term. These include our Open Space Plan, Biodiversity Plan and Transport Network Plan.

Monitoring our success

Council will report progress towards achieving each strategy through the Annual Report

Collaboration and partnerships

Collaboration is at the core of our strategies. 

Support from external parties will play an important role in delivering our strategies. These include our communities, suppliers, business partners, community organisations and other government agencies. 

Council will work to achieve our strategic priorities in areas we do not control where we seek to influence change or need more resources.

View our key advocacy projects

Developing our strategies

An inclusive engagement program assisted in developing our suite of strategies. The program involved our communities, key stakeholders, elected members and team members.

A total of 5,108 survey responses contributed to the development of the strategies over several engagement phases. We received feedback through:

  • community pop-ups (in shopping centres and other popular public locations)
  • focus groups
  • an online summit
  • key stakeholder submissions
  • internal engagement activities.

To learn more about the survey results, visit Your Say Moreton Bay.

Council will continue to engage with our communities to ensure strategies stay relevant and their voices are brought into our planning and decision-making.

Reviewing our strategies

Council will make adjustments to these strategies as required. This includes a major review every 5 years to align with our Corporate Plan review process. This will ensure our strategies:

  • keep driving us towards our vision
  • respond to emerging challenges and opportunities
  • meet community expectations.