Request temporary road closure

There are 3 types of applications to request a temporary part or full closure of a road, verge, footpath, shoulder, or parking area. Each application type has a different processing timeframe.

Part road closures

Part road closures still allow vehicle access. Approval is required for activities on or over the following areas:

  • roads
  • verges
  • footpaths
  • shoulders
  • parking areas.

To temporarily close any part of these areas, you must submit an application to Council for assessment.

Closures for non-development works

Service providers and contractors may request a part road closure to undertake proposed works.

Complete and submit the Notification of temporary part road closure application(PDF, 228KB).

Council must receive the completed application at least 5 full working days before the requested closure.

Closures for development works

Application for any part road closures associated with a development approval.

Complete and submit the Development - Part road closure application(PDF, 96KB).

Council must receive the completed application at least 5 full working days before the requested start date of closure.

Full road closures

A temporary full road closure blocks the entire road and does not allow access to motorists. Service providers, contractors and event organisers may request a full road closure to allow for proposed works or activities.

Council must receive the completed application at least 6 weeks before the event.  If the work or event is significant, it may be beneficial to apply earlier than the suggested 6-week period. 

You must follow the conditions outlined in the application.

Complete and submit the Temporary full road closure application(PDF, 307KB).

Alteration of Public Land applications

If extra structures or activities are needed alongside the road closure, you will also need an Alteration of Public Land application. This includes depositing or storing goods such as skip bins and site offices. This application must be submitted 30 days before the proposed start date of the activity.

For more information refer to Alteration of Public Land