Sandbags must not be placed into your general waste bin unless they are empty. The sand can be used as topsoil on lawns and gardens. Do not allow sand to wash into stormwater drains.
Learn more about sandbag disposal
This large park sweeping around the Woody Point foreshore overlooks Bramble Bay. The park has extensive facilities for all types of activities. It has a well-equipped playground with flying fox and climbing frame catering for all ages. A boat ramp and rigging area are also located within the park area.
This large long grassed area has limited facilities available. Toilets, barbeques, shade shelters, tables and a playground are available in the adjoining parkland. 500m x 50m.
Find out more about holding your event on Council land.
Field names and numbers as per field allocation map. View the Sports Field Closures guidelines(PDF, 184KB) for more information.
Closures not determined by Council.
Oxley Avenue, Woody Point 4019 View map
Oxley Avenue , Woody Point 4019
Croquet clubhouse
Croquet field
TS Moreton Bay
Yacht club
Event area
Find out more about booking an event.
Download allocation map(PDF, 293KB)