Free domestic waste disposal for residents
Residents and other eligible parties are able to dispose of waste free of charge subject to the conditions and limitations of the Disposal of waste free of charge policy.
Who can dispose of waste without charge?
Each residential dwelling can dispose of general waste, clean concrete, and clean soil without charge, as part of an annual entitlement of either three tonnes or 26 visits per financial year. Disposal of these waste types will be subject to fees once this entitlement has been reached.
These annual limits do not apply to residents without access to a kerbside bin collection service.
The following groups are able to apply for free disposal using a waste disposal authority:
- friends, relatives, or volunteers, disposing of waste on behalf of an eligible resident, where the service is not provided for a fee or reward
- owners of vacant land in the City of Moreton Bay
- Council-approved community groups and sporting organisations
- charitable organisations
- senior residential complexes with Council waste services, where the waste is disposed of by the residents
- schools and other education facilities within City of Moreton Bay
- special circumstances such as Council-supported events, hardships, projects that benefit the whole community, sporting carnivals/fetes and bushland and waterway restoration and improvement activities.
For further information, including how to apply, go to Waste disposal authority.
Free disposal of waste is not available to residents disposing of commercial waste or residents who engage a commercial operator to dispose of their waste, even if they are accompanying the commercial operator to the facility.
What can be disposed of without charge?
Residents can bring in the following materials to participating waste facilities for recycling without charge:
- green waste
- hazardous household items that are unsafe to dispose of in bins include gas bottles, canisters, paint, oil, mobile phones and batteries
- clean uncontaminated cardboard
- metals, including steel, ferrous and non-ferrous metals
- sorted recyclable waste
- good quality, saleable items for resale at Council’s Treasure Markets.
Disposal quantity limits apply for selected materials, refer to fees and charges. There will be no charge for green waste disposed by eligible residents or ratepayers at Council's waste facilities once the household has reached its household limit.
What vehicle can be used?
Residents disposing under the Disposal of waste free of charge policy are only eligible to dispose of waste using accepted domestic vehicles.
Accepted domestic vehicles include:
- car
- car with trailer
- ute or van
- ute or van with trailer.
Residents using an accepted vehicle that is commercially badged for free residential waste disposal must comply with the Disposal of waste free of charge policy.
Vehicles that are over 4.5 tonnes Combined Vehicle Gross Mass (CVGM) are not eligible for free disposal. This means the total weight of vehicle, trailer and load must be less than 4.5 tonnes. Residents using vehicles 4.5 tonnes CVGM and over and with no valid Waste Disposal Authority will be charged as per fees and charges schedule upon entrance to a waste facility.
Residents with such vehicles can apply to a Waste Disposal Authority to seek an exemption and access free disposal if they can demonstrate domestic use only of the vehicle at Apply for a waste disposal authority.
Contact Council if you have any questions or require further information.
Annual limits and charges
Waste facilities with a weighbridge
At waste facilities with a weighbridge, once the three tonne annual limit or the 26 visit limit has been reached the charges will be:
Waste type |
Cost per tonne |
Minimum charge |
General waste |
T1115 |
NA |
Clean concrete and bricks |
T1116 |
T1117 |
Clean soil |
T1118 |
T1119 |
Additional limits apply to some products as per Council’s fee schedule.
Waste facilities without a weighbridge
At waste facilities without a weighbridge, once the 26 visits or three tonne annual limit has been reached, the charges will be:
General waste
Vehicle type |
Cost per visit |
Car |
T1124 |
Car and trailer |
T1125 |
Van or ute |
T1120 |
Van or ute and trailer |
T1126 |