Flood check property report
Flood check property reports provide Council's latest available flood information for a property. They help you understand a property's potential flood conditions, including the type of flooding it may be exposed to. For City of Moreton Bay, this can include river, creek or urban drainage flooding, storm tide inundation, tidal inundation, and overland flow.
The report also helps you to understand the level of flood immunity a property has based on property flood levels compared to property ground and building floor levels.
Flood check property reports are useful for:
- helping you understand and manage flood risk
- preparing a flood emergency plan
- assisting you to consider any actions needed to improve property flood resilience
- helping insurers make accurate assessments of a property's flood risk to determine insurance premium prices.
Reports are best suited for use before a flood event. They do not provide real-time flood event information and may not be available during a flood.
Click here to view form.
For information on any flood-related requirements of our planning scheme, request a flood check development report.
Updating flood check property report information
Council regularly reviews and updates its flood data. This can result in changes and improvements to the information provided in flood check property reports.
Flood check property reports can also be updated independently of updates to Council’s flood data. This is due to new floor level or ground level data being made available for an individual property or for a recent development.
Make sure to check the flood check property report for your property periodically to understand any changes.
Updates to flood check property reports for new developments
Council manually updates flood check property reports for recently developed properties. This enables reports to reflect new ground and floor level information from earthworks and development. Updates can only be fully processed once Council receives the required development certification.
Where manual updates to the flood check property report have occurred, red notes will be present in the report. Read the red notes in the report to understand the status of the flood information in the report.
If an update is pending, it will say:
• This report may not incorporate all recent ground-level changes from approved development filling.
This means we are aware that new development has likely improved the property’s flood immunity, but we have not yet received new ground-level data to update the report.
Outdated reports reflect flood risks before development. They should not be used for insurance risk assessments and premium calculations.
If an update to your online report is pending, you can request a flood information letter, to assist with matters like insurance premium negotiations.
If the report is up to date, the red note will say:
• The flood information in this report incorporates recent ground-level changes from approved development filling.
If you need assistance with interpreting Council’s flood information, please contact Council on 3205 0555 or email flood@moretonbay.qld.gov.au.
Using flood check property reports to improve the accuracy of insurance quotes
Your flood check property report can be provided directly to insurers to improve the accuracy of your insurance premium pricing. Find out more about using Council information to inform flood insurance quotes.