Next date: Tuesday, 04 March 2025 | 09:30 AM to 10:00 AM
Baby Rhyme Time helps develop the skills needed to communicate and to learn to read. In a friendly and relaxed environment you and your baby can learn rhymes, action songs and finger plays to share together.
Read, talk, sing and play every day. In the first five years of life your child’s brain develops faster than at any other stage. The simple things you do together each day can have an enormous impact.
50 Books to Read Before You’re 5 is just a small selection of new and old favourite books to share with your child.
For parents and children, babies to 2 years.
Free. No bookings required.
Watch the First 5 Forever - Baby Rhyme Time video to see an example of a session.
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This event occurs every 1 week(s) on Tuesday for 12 times.
Under 2s