Next date: Tuesday, 02 September 2025 | 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM
Throughout history, women have often held a secondary status as their identity is intertwined with the men in their lives. The woman is her father’s daughter, her husband’s wife, her children’s mother. Society with its laws and social mores often restricted women’s access to education, employment and roles in public affairs. This has meant that women were not equally represented in the general genealogical records we use. However genealogist Helen Smith will show that you can, with some work and research, give the women in our family lines back their voice and their place in history. Free. Bookings required. For adults.
Caboolture Library, 4 Hasking Street, Caboolture, 4510, View map
4 Hasking Street , Caboolture 4510
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For adults
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