Preservation Station - Bribie Island 1 Mar 2025 - 31 May 2025 Bribie Island Library Bribie Island Library will host a pop-up Preservation Station from March to May with an A3 size archival quality scanner that can digitise various formats.
Quiet hour at the library Multiple locations Visit your local library during a fortnightly Quiet Hour session and enjoy browsing, borrowing, and using computers in a low sensory setting.
Baby Rhyme Time Multiple locations Baby Rhyme Time helps develop the skills needed to communicate and to learn to read.
Park Tales Multiple locations Join us as we share stories, songs and playtime together in local parks.
Goldies Multiple locations Enjoy a cuppa with friends! Seniors are invited to join us to meet new people, play board games and cards or just chat and have a laugh.
Craft Group Multiple locations Feeling crafty? Join other crafters and share your tips and tricks while indulging in your craft activity.
Storytime Multiple locations Experience the magic of stories, action rhymes and songs with your child at the library.
LEGO Engineers Club Multiple locations Develop design thinking and engineering skills as you build and create with LEGO® bricks.
Playtime Multiple locations Have fun playing with your child, making up stories together and sharing in their delight as they make new discoveries.
LOUD @ the Library Multiple locations Let's get LOUD at the library. The library stays open for you to play computer games, hang out with friends and listen to music.