MBRC Planning Scheme - Secondary dwelling

This information sheet provides guidance in relation to the planning requirements for establishing a new Secondary dwelling or considerations when looking to buy or live in a property with a Secondary dwelling in City of Moreton Bay.

A Secondary dwelling is not a land use in its own right, however can exist on a single lot where the Secondary dwelling it is used in conjunction with, but subordinate to, a primary dwelling (Dwelling house). Planning scheme size limitations will also apply to the Secondary dwelling. The relevant definitions for a Dwelling house and a Secondary dwelling under the MBRC Planning Scheme are:

A Dwelling house means a residential use of premises involving -

  • 1 dwelling and any domestic outbuildings associated with the dwelling; or
  • 2 dwellings, 1 of which is a secondary dwelling, and any domestic outbuildings associated with either dwelling.

A Secondary dwelling means a dwelling on a lot that is used in conjunction with, but subordinate to, another dwelling on the lot, whether or not the dwelling is -

  • attached to the other dwelling; or
  • occupied by individuals who are related to, or associated with, the household of the other dwelling.

A Household means 1 or more individuals who live together in a dwelling.

A Secondary dwelling differs from a Dual occupancy, which typically comprises two independent and equivalent dwellings on a lot or on separate lots that share a common property. For more information, see the Dual occupancy information sheet.

The Better Housing Amendment to the current MBRC Planning Scheme 2016, which commenced on 30 October 2024, made changes to the requirements for a Secondary dwelling in certain locations. It is important to note that these changes do not relate to a Secondary dwelling on land included in a Rural residential or Rural zone. View the key policy changes for a Secondary dwelling under version 7 of the MBRC Planning Scheme 2016.

Do I need Council approval?

A Dwelling house, which includes any Secondary dwelling, is generally accepted development subject to requirements (meaning no planning approval is required) where complying with the relevant requirements for accepted development (RADs) outlined in the planning scheme, (i.e. Dwelling house code or applicable Zone or Local plan code). In this circumstance only building and plumbing approvals will be required.

Where one or more of the applicable RADs cannot be complied with (and the non-compliant RAD is listed as a concurrence agency issue), then Council will be a Concurrence Agency for assessment of those non-compliant aspects of a building development application.

Secondary dwelling requirements

A Secondary dwelling is subject to development requirements in the planning scheme. Please note that requirements for Secondary dwellings can vary for different zones/ precincts in the planning scheme, depending on where your site is located.

To find out which zone your property is located, you can search online with our My Property Look Up and interactive map viewing tools. To determine the Requirements for Accepted Development (RADs) that apply and where to find these in the planning scheme, refer to the Categories of development and assessment for a Dwelling house in the relevant Zone (and Precinct, where relevant).

Key requirements for Secondary dwellings under the current MBRC Planning Scheme 2016 are outlined below:

Minimum lot dimensions

Dwelling house code

Secondary dwellings are established on lots with minimum dimensions of:

  • in the Suburban neighbourhood precinct or Coastal communities precinct of the General residential zone – a minimum lot size of 600mand a primary frontage width of 12.5m;
  • in all other applicable precincts, zones or local plans – a minimum lot size of 450mand a primary frontage width of 10m.

Size - Maximum Gross Floor Area (GFA)

Dwelling house code

  • A maximum GFA of 45m2, where located on lots between 450m2 and 800m2 in area; or
  • A maximum GFA of 55m2, where located on lots greater than 800m2 in area.

Rural and Rural residential zone:

  • Maximum GFA of 100m2 for all lots.

Note there are exceptions to this if the site is located within the Hamlet Precinct.

Shared services

Dwelling house code

The primary dwelling and secondary dwelling share a single (common):

  1. water connection and meter;
  2. electricity connection and meter;
  3. wastewater connection/system;
  4. street number and letterbox;
  5. vehicle access driveway;
  6. pedestrian access point to the lot.

Car parking

Dwelling house code

One (1) designated car parking space, in addition to those required for the primary dwelling and co-located with the parking for the primary dwelling.


Dwelling house code

Secondary dwelling:

  • Comply with standard ‘Dwelling house’ requirements in the Dwelling House Code such as site cover, boundary setbacks and building height. Refer to Part 9 ‘Development Codes’ of the Moreton Bay Regional Council Planning Scheme, available here.
  • Appear as a single dwelling with the primary dwelling from the road frontage.
  • Must be located within 10m of the primary dwelling.
  • Orientated inwardly within the lot so that it faces the primary dwelling and not adjoining properties (only in Suburban Neighbourhood and Coastal Communities).
  • Must have access to the on-site open space and allocated off-street parking on the property.

Rural and Rural residential zone

  • Must be located within 50m of the primary dwelling.