Make a payment, update your details or find out more about rates.
A variety of property searches/inspections for buying and selling a property, planning certificates or licensed food premises.
Canals are artificial waterways connected or intended to be connected to tidal water.
How to apply to change your legal name with Council. Supporting evidence must be submitted with this application.
Prohibited fires, lighting of open fires, barbeque and additional requirements.
Flood types that impact our city, extents of a flood or storm tide, request a flood check report or share your flood data.
Footpaths promote safe pedestrian movement. Access must not be obstructed.
Change your postal address or contact details with Council for the purposes of rates, licensing and animal registration.
Prominently displayed house numbers aid the speedy location of an address in the event of an emergency as well as mail deliveries.
The Queensland Government has set laws regarding dividing fences, and neighbours responsibilities for trees.
Check details about your zone and precinct, view overlay maps for your property and access links to helpful information sheets.
Council’s local laws help manage properties with overgrown vegetation or unsightly accumulation of material.
Pay invoices for property related debts such as overgrown allotments or legal fees.
Pay invoices for sundry debtors such as leases and waste charges.
Guidelines to inform residents of their obligations and the conditions associated with landscaping or installing artificial turf within the footpath.
Maintenance of lights, street lights and/or poles on Council land and requests for installation of covers/shades for streetlights.
Trees are an excellent addition to any landscape. Request street trees and tree maintenance.
Unitywater provides the water and sewerage service for City of Moreton Bay.