Redcliffe Museum

Boy and girl standing at big monitor inside Redcliffe Museum, surrounded by other exhibits

Redcliffe Museum offers a unique and contemporary look at the people, places, significant moments and stories that have shaped this historical seaside town.

The museum features:

  • First Nations video archive, with stories about language and culture
  • films about the early days of the Peninsula, including the famous Rollerdome
  • memory boxes to rummage through and uncover items and stories from the past
  • a snapshot of Moreton Bay Region's sporting success.

Discover a vibrant program of ever-changing exhibitions, events and workshops throughout the year, including the exciting Imaginarium - a dedicated kids' play space filled with varied activities and crafts designed for children to create, learn and explore.

Large tour bookings

If you have a group of 10 or more, contact us so we can make arrangements and support your unique experience.

Take a virtual tour

Current exhibitions

What's on at this venue


Free parking is located next to the museum, including spaces for people with mobility constraints. Entrance is off Anzac Avenue.


Redcliffe Museum offers easy access for people with mobility constraints and accessible parking just metres from the main entrance.


75 Anzac Avenue, Redcliffe 4020  View map

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