Building and plumbing regulations Building or plumbing works impacting you or the environment, pool fencing, driveways or building and plumbing records.
Change of details Update property owner details such as email, phone, postal address, principal place of residence for you or your animals.
Council buildings and sports Council properties, sportsfields, showgrounds, pools, libraries, halls, galleries, museums, depots and administration buildings.
Development and zoning Covers zoning, town planning, permit history or planning schemes; subdivision work or land use that is impacting you or the environment.
Food, health and hygiene Contamination, food poisoning, unkempt properties or air and water quality; food, immunisation or tattoos and piercings.
Rates Property ownership or rates records and notices, outstanding balances or collections and rating policies.
Roads, drains and canals Report damage to roads, drains, bridges, canals, boat ramps and things on and near them.
Waste Report abandoned items, rubbish or litter, bin collection changes or issues, enquire on waste facilities, waste disposal authority, recycling or something else.