Narangba Innovation Precinct TLPI
The Narangba Innovation Precinct is an industrial estate developed by the Queensland Government in the 1970s as an area to support a range of industrial land use types. The precinct is located adjacent to the Bruce Highway and Boundary Road at Narangba, with parts of the precinct on the west and east side of the highway.
The South East Queensland Regional Plan 2017 (ShapingSEQ) identifies the area as a major enterprise and industrial precinct because it is a significant contributor to the regional economy. The precinct is also one of few industrial estates that caters for large scale, hard-to-locate industries in SEQ.
The part of the precinct on the eastern side of the highway is where many existing higher impact or (traditionally referred to as) noxious and hazardous industrial land uses are located. These uses are defined as 'High Impact Industry(PDF, 481KB)' and 'Special Industry(PDF, 481KB)' respectively in the Moreton Bay Regional Council (MBRC) Planning Scheme 2016.
The emergence of both industrial land-uses in the precinct and the proximity of residential land uses in the vicinity of the precinct have caused challenges for both the residential living environment and industrial business operating conditions. This is particularly relevant to the area east of the highway.
About the Temporary Local Planning Instrument (TLPI) and managing industry in the precinct
The Queensland Government took steps in July 2020 to support local industry in the eastern part of the Narangba Innovation Precinct, while ensuring nearby residential areas are protected from potential adverse amenity impacts. The Queensland Government did this through a Temporary Local Planning Instrument (TLPI) that was in effect for two years from 3 July 2020.
Given the Queensland Government’s TLPI expired on 3 July 2022, Council has now remade the TLPI twice. The new TLPI is a replica of the original instrument, with only minor administrative changes. Council adopted the latest TLPI on 24 July 2024, which commenced on 26 July 2024. It is referred to as Temporary Local Planning Instrument No.01 of 2024 Narangba Innovation Precinct (East) or ‘TLPI 01/2024’.
The TLPI 01/2024 will continue to provide certainty to industry operators in conjunction with appropriately managing community health and safety, while a long-term policy position is prepared and implemented through a planning scheme amendment. The TLPI will continue for another two years (until 26 July 2026) or until future planning scheme amendments are completed, whichever comes sooner.
A TLPI is a statutory instrument which sets out planning and development assessment policies to protect all or part of a local government area from adverse impacts in urgent or emergent circumstances.
Download a copy of the TLPI(PDF, 3MB)
Download a copy of the Public Notice(PDF, 246KB)
View answers to a number of frequently asked questions about the TLPI.
Next steps - developing a long-term policy position
As the TLPI is a temporary planning measure, Council must now develop a longer-term land use policy position that balances the protection and viability of industry activities in the precinct with the safety, health and amenity of surrounding areas.
To help inform this policy position, Council has completed the Narangba Innovation Precinct Study. This study provides accurate, up-to-date data and information from a range of environmental health and economic value investigations. You can now read summaries of the study findings.
On 12 December 2024 Council resolved to propose Major Amendment No.5 - Narangba Innovation Precinct (East) Temporary Local Planning Instrument Response.
The 'Planning and Preparation' stage of the statutory planning scheme amendment process set by state government legislation is now underway. Learn more about the amendment process.
Council is now requesting the State government confirms the early state interest matters to be addressed through the preparation of the proposed amendment. Once the State government confirms their interests. Council will finalise the preparation of the proposed amendment. Once the State government confirms their interests, Council will finalise the preparation of the proposed amendment for formal State interest reviews.
The statutory planning scheme amendment process will then include an opportunity for the community and stakeholders to have a say as part of future public consultation. During this period, details of the proposed amendment will be available for public viewing and feedback.
Find out more
Further updates and information will be provided as the project progresses.
For any enquiries, contact the Narangba Innovation Precinct Study project team: