Discretionary funds

Two people smiling over a BBQ with sausages cooking.

Discretionary funds are for community organisations to spend on a community purpose. The funds help support the delivery of community, cultural, sporting, and environmental projects. City of Moreton Bay’s Mayor and Councillors distribute the funds each financial year.

Submit an application

Before applying refer to the:

You must submit your application before the project or activity starts.

Preview or apply: Discretionary funds

We will notify you of the outcome about 15 business days after applying. 

Annual budget

The Local Government Regulation 2012 requires Council to allocate an amount for discretionary funds that does not exceed the prescribed amount. The prescribed amount, for a local government for a financial year, means 0.1% of the local government’s revenue from general rates for the previous financial year.

Council has allocated a total of $306,410 equating to $23,570 for each elected official towards discretionary funds for this financial year.

Discretionary fund allocations must be the same for all City of Moreton Bay Mayor and Councillors.

Funding allocation register

The register lists the amounts allocated by Mayors and Councillors to various community organisations each year. It is made publicly available per the Local Government Regulation 2012.

More information or help with your application

For more information or help before you start your application, refer to Grants information and resources or email grants@moretonbay.qld.gov.au.