Samford Parklands upgrade | Village Green

In the heart of the Samford Parklands, we are delivering a new Village Green including:

  • a large lawn for big gatherings
  • small event spaces
  • picnic shelters and seating
  • productive planting beds and trees
  • a play space for children
  • car parking with access road.

Overview of community consultation

Council invited community comment on the project vision and site values between December 2020 and February 2021. This helped inform the design of the Village Green. Thank you to everyone who provided feedback.

The consultation highlighted values the community share, and what they want to be considered and elevated in the design. These included but were not limited to:

  • recognition of the strong rural heritage and identity
  • desire to nurture, give back, help each other, and support those in need
  • appreciation for the many types of users of the site and how they interact with the space. This includes walking, riding, community activities, recreational play and adjacent sports facilities.

Read more about what we heard in the stakeholder engagement summary.

Project overview

The final concept design takes into account feedback gathered during community consultation. It is also based on best practice design principles, site constraints, project budget and market quotes.

View the final concept plan(PDF, 11MB).

The final design includes many desired features identified during consultation, including:

  • generous, multi-functional open green space for outdoor events and activities. This may include markets, food trucks, music or kicking a ball around
  • a variety of spaces for informal leisure and relaxation
  • barbeque facilities including shade structures, and picnic, gathering and rest areas
  • a play space that reflects Samford’s character and environment
  • walking pathways to take in the views over the valley
  • new gardens and orchard plants with a diverse mix of productive and ornamental species.


Samford Parklands, Mt Samson Road, Samford Valley 4520.  View map