Council's customer service centres will be closed on Monday, 27 January for the Australia Day public holiday.
Several flood studies and investigation reports have been developed to assist in determining the various floodplains in the region.
Digital data from these studies is available by completing a Digital flood study data request.
The Storm Tide Hazard Study is a regional flood investigation that provides information about potential flooding along the coast due to storm tides. The study has been prepared using best practice methodology under supervision of a study advisory group including:
The Overland Flow Path Mapping Study is a regional flood investigation. It provides information about potential flooding along valleys and depressions. Overland flow describes the valleys and depressions where storm water is expected to flow or collect. Overland flow is generally shallow, fast moving and can carry debris. This report details hydrology, TUFLOW hydraulic modelling and post processing methodologies used.
The Regional Flood Database Project is a detailed flood investigation that has resulted in high quality flood information. It involved comprehensive flood mapping and development of computer-based models. The information is used to predict where and how flooding may occur. The project was delivered by experienced floodplain consultants and funded by Council, Emergency Management Queensland and Emergency Management Australia.